ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acceptable behaviour contract

An acceptable behavior contract is a special agreement between grown-ups and kids. It helps kids understand the rules they need to follow to behave properly. Just like how you have rules to follow in the classroom, house or playground, this contract helps you know what you need to do and not do, to be a good kid.

When you sign a contract, it is like you and the grown-up are shaking hands and agreeing to follow certain rules. These rules may be different for every kid based on their behavior history or specific issues they are facing.

The contract will include specific things that you need to do and not do, as well as consequences if you break the rules. The consequences might include things like losing screen time or privileges, or even having a timeout. Your parents or teachers would usually help explain this part to you.

Some common rules in a behavior contract may include being respectful to other people, using kind words or actions, completing homework on time, showing up on time to school or after-school activities, and not bullying or teasing others.

Once you sign the contract, you would be expected to follow the rules and do your best to be a good kid. If you do break the rules or have trouble with them, your parents or teachers will help you understand how to improve and stick to the contract.

Overall, the acceptable behavior contract is just like a little reminder to help you be your best self and make good choices.
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