ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Accident Compensation Corporation

The Accident Compensation Corporation, or ACC for short, is like a big band-aid that helps people who get hurt. If you trip and scrape your knee, or hurt your back lifting something heavy, the ACC is here to help you feel better and make sure you're okay.

When someone gets hurt or has an accident, they can go to the doctor or the hospital to get treated. But sometimes, even after they get better, they might need more help. Maybe they can't work because of their injury, or they need physical therapy to get better.

That's where the ACC comes in. They help pay for any extra things that someone might need after an accident, like medical bills, physical therapy, or even a new wheelchair.

But the ACC doesn't just help individuals who get hurt; they also help businesses and organizations who want to make sure their employees or customers stay safe. The ACC provides guidelines and resources to help prevent accidents from happening in the first place.

So, just like a band-aid, the ACC is here to help make sure that when accidents happen, everyone can get better and stay safe.