ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acid chloride

Okay kiddo, so an acid chloride is a type of chemical that is made up of two parts: an acid and a chloride. Remember how we learned that sometimes chemicals can be made up of smaller pieces called atoms? Well, an acid chloride is made up of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine.

Now, this type of chemical is really special because it can react with other substances in some pretty interesting ways. It can react with water, for example, and create a type of acid that is very strong. It can also react with alcohol and create something called an ester, which is used in things like perfumes and flavorings.

But acid chlorides can also be a bit dangerous, so when people work with them in a lab they have to be very careful. They can cause skin and eye irritation, and if they’re mixed with the wrong thing they can even catch on fire!

So, in short, an acid chloride is a type of chemical made of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine. It can react with other substances to create new and interesting things, but it can also be dangerous if not handled carefully.