ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acorn Computers

Acorn computers are like special machines that you can use to do lots of fun and interesting things on. They are kind of like your regular home computer, but they were really popular a long time ago, before you were born.

Acorn computers were made in a country called England, and they used a type of computer language that was really good for doing maths and making art. People would use them in schools and at home to learn about computers and do all kinds of fun projects.

The Acorn computer had a special keyboard and a big square screen that you could look at to see what you were doing. You could type in numbers and letters, and you could even make pictures and games with it. It was really fun!

Some people still use Acorn computers today. Even though there are lots of new and modern computers out there, some people still like the old ones because they remind them of when they were kids. And who knows, maybe when you're all grown up you'll still love playing with computers from a long time ago too.