ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acrylic painting techniques

Okay kiddo, do you know what painting is? Yes? Great! So acrylic painting is a type of painting where we use special colors called acrylic paints to create our pictures.

Now, there are different ways we can use these paints to make our pictures look really cool. Here are some acrylic painting techniques that you can try:

1. Wet-on-wet - This means we put wet paint on top of wet paint. It creates a blending effect and makes the colors look like they are melting together.

2. Dry brushing - This technique involves using a brush that is mostly dry to create a rough texture or highlight on the painting. It's like brushing the paint onto the canvas without using a lot of paint.

3. Glazing - This is when we use a thin layer of paint to create a transparent or semi-transparent effect. It's like looking through a colored window.

4. Sgraffito - This fancy-sounding technique involves scratching the surface of the paint to reveal the layer below. It's like drawing with a pencil on top of the paint.

5. Impasto - This is when we use a lot of paint and create thick textures by layering the paint. It's like putting a thick layer of frosting on a cake.

So, there you go, buddy! Those are some of the different ways we use acrylic paints to create our paintings. Don't be afraid to try them out and see how they can make your pictures look even more awesome!