ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Activist Wisdom

When someone cares a lot about something and wants to make things better, they might become an "activist". That means they try to make a big change in the world.

But being an activist isn't always easy. It takes wisdom, which means being smart and knowing what to do. Activist wisdom is when an activist knows the best way to achieve their goals and make a change.

For example, let's pretend we care a lot about saving the environment. We might want to stop people from throwing garbage on the ground. But we can't just tell everyone to stop and expect them to listen. That's where activist wisdom comes in.

We might think of a better way to get people to stop littering. Maybe we could hand out free trash bags and encourage people to use them instead of throwing their trash on the ground. That would be using our activist wisdom to come up with a good solution.

So, activist wisdom is when someone knows how to make a positive difference in the world by using their smarts and being creative.