ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Activities of daily living assistance

Activities of daily living, or ADLs, are tasks that people need to do every day to take care of themselves. These tasks may include things like brushing our teeth, taking a shower or bath, getting dressed, eating our meals, and using the bathroom.

Sometimes, certain people may have difficulty completing these tasks on their own due to disabilities, illnesses, or old age. When this happens, they may need assistance with their ADLs.

Assistance with ADLs can come in several forms. For example, someone may need help getting dressed in the morning, so a caregiver may help them put on their clothes. Alternatively, someone may need assistance using the bathroom, so a caregiver may help them to the toilet or change their clothes afterward.

Overall, ADL assistance helps individuals to take care of themselves and live comfortably. Without assistance, they may struggle with basic tasks and may have difficulty living on their own.