ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Additionally guyed tower

An additionally guyed tower is a tall structure that stands upright and is supported by wires or cables that are attached to the ground. Imagine a really tall pole that goes up into the sky, but it needs a little help to stay up there!

It’s kind of like a kite. When you fly a kite, you hold onto the string and the wind helps keep the kite up in the air. In the case of an additionally guyed tower, the wires or cables keep the tower from falling over, just like the string keeps the kite from falling to the ground.

The tower has to be really strong to hold up things like antennas, lights, and other equipment, so it’s built with sturdy materials like metal. The wires or cables that support the tower are also really strong and made of things like steel.

These types of towers are used for things like radio and television broadcasting, cell phone communications, and even for sightseeing or observation towers. They have to be really tall so they can reach high into the sky to transmit signals to faraway places. The cables or wires attached to the ground help keep the tower steady and in place, even during strong winds or bad weather.

So, think of an additionally guyed tower like a really tall pole that needs some extra help to stay upright, kind of like how you need a little help sometimes when you’re learning to ride a bike!