ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Address Windowing Extensions

Okay kiddo, let me explain Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) in a simple way. Imagine you have a big toy box filled with all your toys. But sometimes, you have so many toys that your toy box can't fit them all. So, you decide to get another toy box and connect them together to make a bigger toy storage.

Now, let's talk about your computer's memory. Your computer has a storage space called "memory" where it keeps all the information it needs to run different programs. But sometimes, a program may need more memory than what the computer has. This is where AWE comes in.

AWE is like adding another toy box to your computer's memory. It extends the memory space so that a program can access more memory than what the computer originally has. This is useful for programs that need to process large amounts of data or graphics.

So, AWE is like adding more space to your computer's memory, just like adding another toy box to your toy storage. It helps programs run more smoothly and efficiently when they need to access a lot of memory.