ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Adikia is a special word that people use to talk about something that is very unfair. It's kind of like when you and your friend are playing a game, but your friend keeps cheating and doesn't give you a chance to win. That's adikia!

Adikia is a word that comes from the Greek language, and it means injustice. It's a word that people use to talk about when someone doesn't play fair, or when someone is treated unfairly. Adikia can happen in many different situations, like when someone is being bullied or when someone is not getting paid enough for the work they do.

When we talk about adikia, we're basically saying that something is wrong and unfair, and we want to make it right. It's important that we always try to be fair and treat people with kindness and respect, so that we can avoid adikia in our daily lives.