ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Administrative divisions of Tibet

Okay, so you know how when you're playing with your toys, sometimes you put them in different boxes or piles to keep them organized? Well, that's kind of what happened with Tibet.

Tibet is a very big place with a lot of people living in it. To help keep things organized and make sure everyone gets what they need, the grown-ups in charge divided Tibet up into smaller parts called administrative divisions.

There are five main administrative divisions in Tibet: 1) the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), which is kind of like the big box that holds all the other boxes; 2) prefectures, which are like medium-sized boxes that hold a lot of smaller boxes; 3) counties or districts, which are smaller boxes that hold even smaller boxes; 4) townships or towns, which are even smaller boxes that hold just a few things; and 5) villages or neighborhoods, which are the very smallest boxes that hold just a few people and their homes.

Each administrative division has its own government officials who are responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly in that area. They help people get things like food, water, and medical care, and they make sure everyone follows the rules and behaves nicely.

So just like how you keep your toys organized in different boxes or piles, the grown-ups in Tibet keep everything organized with different administrative divisions.