ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System

Okay, so you know how sometimes when we're driving, we see a police car with flashing lights and they might pull someone over? Well, the advanced civil speed enforcement system is kind of like that, but it's a really fancy system that helps the police catch people who are speeding.

It works by using cameras and sensors that are set up on the side of the road. When a car drives by, the system measures how fast the car is going. If the car is going too fast (faster than the speed limit), the system takes a picture of the car and its license plate. Then, the picture goes to the police, who can use it to identify the owner of the car and send them a ticket for speeding.

This system is really helpful because it helps keep our roads safe. When people drive too fast, they can cause accidents and hurt themselves or other people. The advanced civil speed enforcement system helps remind people to be safe and follow the speed limit.