ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System

The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System is like a big shield that protects us from bad missiles that might come towards us from the sky.

When an enemy sends a missile towards us, our Aegis system uses powerful radar and sensors to detect it. Once it finds the missile, it sends a signal to our Aegis interceptors.

These interceptors are like superheroes that jump into action to stop the bad missile from reaching us. They launch small missiles that are designed to hit the enemy missile while it's still high up in the sky.

The two missiles collide in the sky and explode, resulting in the enemy missile being destroyed without harming us.

The Aegis system is like a guardian that keeps us safe from bad things in the sky. It's a complex and powerful technology that helps to protect us and keep us safe.