ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aerial roof markings

Aerial roof markings are colorful designs and markings that are painted on the roofs of buildings to help helicopters and other flying vehicles know what kind of building it is and where they can land safely.

Just like how we paint lines on the road so cars know where to drive, we paint markings on buildings to help helicopters know where they can land. This is important because helicopters need a big open space without any obstacles like trees or power lines.

The markings on the roof of a hospital or a fire station will look different than markings on a regular office building. These markings usually have bright colors and letters or symbols that helicopters can easily recognize from the air.

So, if a helicopter needs to land on top of a building, they will look for the right markings to help them land safely. Aerial roof markings are like a big sign that says "come land here!" for helicopters in the sky.