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Afro-Brazilian religion

Afro-Brazilian religion is a set of spiritual beliefs and practices that originated in Africa and were brought to Brazil by enslaved Africans. In Brazil, the religion mixed with native beliefs and Catholicism to create a unique blend of African, Brazilian, and European traditions.

The most well-known Afro-Brazilian religion is called Candomblé. In Candomblé, spirits called orixás are worshipped and believed to have powers over different aspects of life, like nature, love, and war. Each orixá has their own personality and appearance, and people believe that they can communicate with them through song, dance, and offerings.

Another important Afro-Brazilian religion is Umbanda. This religion also worships spirits, but it also incorporates Catholic saints and emphasizes the practice of charity.

Afro-Brazilian religion is an important part of Brazil's cultural heritage and is practiced by many Brazilians of African descent. It is also becoming more popular among people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds who are interested in exploring its unique spirituality and history.