ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aftermath of World War II

World War II was a very big fight between different countries around the world. It lasted from 1939 to 1945. The war was fought in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Ocean. After the war ended, lots of things changed.

First, the people who fought in the war needed to find a way to get their lives back to where they were before the war. This was difficult because many people had lost their homes, their family members, and the things that they owned.

Second, the countries that were involved in the war had to try to rebuild their cities and towns. This meant repairing buildings and machines, and finding new sources of food and materials. It also meant creating new jobs so people could support themselves.

Third, after the war, many countries created agreements to try to make sure that a war like this never happened again. Some of these agreements were about peace and not fighting. Others were about how to share resources and work together to help each other.

Finally, new countries such as West and East Germany were created. The countries that had been fighting against each other during the war now had to find ways to live and work together. This was a difficult task, but over time, people from different countries worked together to try to create a world of peace and understanding.