ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agafia Lykov

Agafia Lykov is a woman who lives in a very remote part of Siberia, which is a place that is very cold and far away from other people. She lives in a small cabin with no electricity or running water, and she grows her own food and relies on the animals around her for survival.

Agafia's parents were very religious and believed that the outside world was full of bad things, so they moved into the forest and never left. Agafia was born there and grew up never seeing anyone else besides her family.

When Agafia was a grown-up, some people found out about her and her family and they tried to help them. They brought them some supplies and tried to convince them to come out of the forest and live with other people. But Agafia and her family didn't want to leave their home and the way of life they knew.

Now, Agafia is one of the last remaining people who live in complete isolation from the rest of the world. She has become famous for her unusual way of life and how she has survived in the wilderness for so many years.