ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Age Concern

Age concern is an organization that helps people who are getting older. When we are born, we are very young and we grow up into children, teenagers and then adults. As we get older, our bodies and minds change and we may need some extra help to live our lives comfortably.

Age concern is here to help people who are getting older and may need help with things like getting around, cooking, cleaning or just having someone to talk to. They provide services and resources for older people so that they can live their lives to the fullest. They also make sure that older people are treated fairly and with respect.

Age concern works hard to make sure that older people get the help they need and that their voices are heard. They are a very important organization because they make sure that people who are getting older are not forgotten and that they are taken care of. So, if you or someone you know is getting older and needs some extra help, remember age concern is there to help.