ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Age-restricted community

An age-restricted community is a special neighborhood where only adults who are a certain age or older can live. This means that children under that age, like you and your friends, cannot live there.

It's kind of like a club that only allows people who meet a specific age requirement to join. Just like how some places are only for adults, like bars and casinos, some communities are only for adults too.

These communities are usually created so that people who are of similar ages can live together and enjoy a similar lifestyle. Sometimes, age-restricted communities have special houses or apartments that are designed with older residents in mind, such as single-story homes with grab bars in the bathrooms to make it easier for people who might have trouble with stairs or getting around.

So, while it might seem a bit strange or unfair that some neighborhoods are only for particular age groups, it's important to remember that it's all about creating a comfortable and enjoyable living environment for everyone who lives there.