ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agent general

So, you know how some people work for the government to help make sure everyone follows the rules and laws? Well, there’s a special kind of person called an agent general who works for the government, too!

An agent general is like a superhero for their country. They work for a part of the government called a consulate, which is like a mini-government office located in a different country.

The agent general helps people from their home country who are living or traveling in the foreign country where the consulate is located. They help you if you lose your passport or if you get sick while you’re away from home. They make sure your rights are protected and help you get what you need to have a safe and happy visit!

They also work with the government of the foreign country to make sure that everyone gets along and that the rules are followed by everyone.

In short, an agent general is a special kind of person who protects and helps people from their home country when they’re traveling or living in a different country. They’re like a superhero diplomat!