ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agriculture in Concert with the Environment

Agriculture means growing plants and raising animals for food and other materials that we use. People have been farming (agriculturing) for thousands of years.

When farming, it is important to think of the environment. The environment is all the things around us like the air, land, water and even animals like birds, bugs and other critters.

When farming, people have to think about how they can work together with the environment and not make it worse. For example, farmers have to be careful not to overplant a field or overuse chemical fertilizers, which can pollute the air and water.

Farmers also have to be careful to use land and water wisely, so that they don’t waste resources and leave themselves with less food in future years.

Finally, farmers should also think about how their animals fit in with the environment – for example, are they putting too much pressure on the land by overgrazing?

Overall, working with the environment means being careful with the resources we have so that we can have enough food to eat in the future, while also taking care of the air and water around us.