ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Agulhas Bank

Okay, so imagine a really big ocean, like a giant swimming pool that goes on forever and ever. In that ocean, there's this special place called the Agulhas Bank. It's kind of like a really big sandbar that's under the water.

Now, this sandbox is pretty important because it's where two really big oceans meet. One ocean is called the Indian Ocean and the other is the Atlantic Ocean. They kind of crash into each other at the Agulhas Bank, kind of like two big waves meeting in the ocean.

Because of this, there's a special kind of current that flows through the Agulhas Bank and it's really strong. It's called the Agulhas Current. It goes really fast and it's kind of like a river flowing through the ocean.

The Agulhas Current is really important too, because it helps move water from one ocean to the other. Fish and other sea creatures use the current to travel around and find food or new places to live. Ships and boats also use it to help them sail faster.

So, the Agulhas Bank is a big sandbar in the ocean where two big oceans meet and make a really strong current called the Agulhas Current. It helps sea creatures move around and helps ships sail faster.