ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ahimsa in Buddhism

Ahimsa is a very important concept in Buddhism, which means that we should try to avoid harming any living beings as much as possible. This includes animals, insects, and even plants!

Think of ahimsa as a big hug for all living things - we should be kind, compassionate, and gentle to others, just like we would treat our own friends and family.

This means that we should not kill, hurt, or bully anyone or anything. It also means that we should try to help others when they are in need, whether that means donating to charity, volunteering at a local shelter, or simply being there for a friend who needs a listening ear.

Many Buddhists believe that practicing ahimsa is one of the most important ways to cultivate inner peace and happiness. By treating others with kindness and respect, we create positive energy around us, which can help us to feel more peaceful and content in our own lives.

So, always remember to be kind and gentle to all living things – it's what Buddha would want!