ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ainslie Meares

Ainslie Meares was a doctor who believed that our bodies and our minds are very closely connected. He thought that if we take care of our minds, we can make our bodies feel better too.

Dr. Meares liked to teach people how to relax and meditate. He believed that by doing these things, we can help our minds to rest and to heal. It's kind of like how taking a bath can help our bodies feel clean and refreshed - when we meditate or relax, it's like taking a bath for our minds!

Dr. Meares also thought that it was important to be kind and gentle with ourselves. He encouraged people to listen to their bodies and take breaks when they need to. Just like how we need to take naps when we're tired or eat when we're hungry, we also need to take care of our minds when we're stressed or overwhelmed.

So, Ainslie Meares was a doctor who believed that taking care of our minds can help our bodies feel better. He taught people how to relax and meditate so that they could help their minds rest and heal, and he encouraged people to be gentle and kind with themselves.