ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Air navigation service provider

Air navigation service provider is like a guide who helps airplanes to fly safely in the sky without crashing into each other.

Let's say, you're playing with your toy airplane in a room and you want to fly it from one corner to another without hitting any obstacle. What will you do? You'll probably use your eyes to see where the walls, furniture, and other toys are and then maneuver the airplane accordingly. Similarly, airplanes also need a guide to tell them where other airplanes are, where the mountains or tall buildings are, and other important information to avoid collisions or accidents.

The air navigation service provider is like this guide for the airplanes. They use special tools such as radar, satellite, and other technologies to track the airplanes' movements, as well as to monitor weather conditions and other factors that could affect flight safety. They constantly communicate with the pilots to provide them with traffic information, weather updates, and instructions for takeoff, landing, or when to change their altitude or course.

Furthermore, the air navigation service provider is responsible for managing the airspace, which means dividing the sky into different routes and altitude levels so that airplanes don't get too close to each other or run into mountains or buildings. They also provide essential services such as air traffic control, flight planning, and search and rescue operations to ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in the sky.

In summary, the air navigation service provider is like a trusted friend who ensures that airplanes navigate safely in the sky by providing them with the necessary information and guidance just like how you fly your toy airplane without hitting anything in the room.