ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

AirPort Time Capsule

Hey kiddo, do you know how sometimes we save important things in a safe place so we can find them easily later? Well, that's what an Airport Time Capsule is! It's like a big, special box that people use to save all of the important things they have on their devices, like pictures, videos, and documents.

The Airport Time Capsule is a special type of box that you connect to your computer or other devices through the internet. Your devices can save everything onto the Time Capsule so you don't have to worry about losing it. Plus, it keeps everything organized so you can find things really easily later on.

Some people use an Airport Time Capsule to back up all of their important files so if their computer crashes, they won't lose anything. That's really handy because losing all your pictures and documents is super scary!

So yeah, that's pretty much what an Airport Time Capsule is. It's like a special box that keeps your important things safe and organized so you can find them easily later!