ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Airport racial profiling in the United States

Airport racial profiling means that some people, usually brown or black, are treated differently or unfairly by the airport security people just because of their skin color or ethnicity. It is like when you go to the park to play and some kids don't let you join their game because you are wearing a blue shirt or have curly hair, even though you are just as good at playing.

In airports, security people check your bags and sometimes even pat you down to make sure you don't have anything dangerous. But sometimes, they pick certain people because they think those people might do something wrong just because of how they look, where they come from or what language they speak. This is not fair because everyone should be treated equally.

Now, think of it this way - let's say you went to the airport wearing a superhero costume because it is your favorite thing to wear. If the security people stopped you and checked your bag just because you look different, even though you have done nothing wrong and you just want to fly to your grandma's house, that would not be fair, right? Everybody should be treated equally, like superheroes and princesses, no matter what they look like.