ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Akhand Bharat

Alright kiddo, Akhand Bharat is a term that refers to the idea of a "Undivided India". This is like when you play with your puzzle pieces and you put all the pieces together to make the whole picture. Similarly, Akhand Bharat calls for the unification of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh as a single country.

This idea came about because before India was divided, it was all one big country. But in 1947, India got independence from British rule, and was split into two separate countries: India and Pakistan. Then in 1971, Bangladesh became its own country after a war.

So, Akhand Bharat is an idea that some people believe in, that India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh should come back together as one big country. However, this idea is not supported by everyone and can be controversial. It's like when you and your friends have different ideas about what game to play. Not everyone will like the same idea, and that's okay!