ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Akitiri Sign Language

Akitiri sign language is a way that certain people who are deaf or hard of hearing communicate with each other using signs. When people can't hear, they still need a way to talk to each other! So instead of using their voices, they use their hands and body to show what they mean.

Akitiri sign language is a specific type of sign language that is used in a certain part of northern Ghana. It is like a secret code for people who use it, because if you don't know the signs, you won't understand what is being said!

To use Akitiri sign language, people have to learn specific hand positions, movements and facial expressions that represent different words and ideas. For example, if someone wants to say "cat," they might make the shape of a cat with their hand and move it across their body. If they want to say "happy," they might smile and jump up and down.

Unlike spoken languages, Akitiri sign language doesn't have a written form. This means that people who use it have to remember all the signs in their head and teach them to others in person.

In summary, Akitiri sign language is a special way that some people who can't hear talk to each other using signs instead of speaking. They use specific hand movements, facial expressions, and body language to convey their message.