Akiyoshi Kitaoka is a person who makes special pictures that look really cool and make your eyes do funny things. You know how sometimes when you look at a picture and it feels like it's moving or it's jumping out at you? Well, that's what Akiyoshi Kitaoka's pictures do!
He uses really bright colors and cool patterns to make his pictures. Sometimes he even puts pictures inside of pictures, so when you look at it, it looks like it's going on forever!
But, the trick to Akiyoshi Kitaoka's pictures is that they make your eyes see things that aren't actually there. Have you ever seen a picture or a wall that looks like it's moving even though it's not? That's because of something called an optical illusion, which is what Akiyoshi Kitaoka's pictures make happen.
So, when you look at one of his pictures, your eyes will see something that's not really there, like it's moving or it's bending. It's kind of like magic, but really it's just a special trick that Akiyoshi Kitaoka is really good at making look really cool!