ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Akritai is a word that comes from ancient Greek mythology. In those stories, there were these really cool warriors who lived around the borders of the Greek Empire. They were called Akritai, which basically means "border guards" in Greek.

So imagine a big, big place like a castle or even a whole kingdom. Like, the biggest playground you've ever seen! But around the edges of that place there are big, tall walls called borders that keep people out who aren't supposed to be in there. And guarding those borders are the Akritai warriors.

Their job was to make sure nobody bad got into the Greek Empire but also to protect the good people who lived there. They were kind of like superheroes who were really, really tough and strong. They could fight really well and protect the border with their lives. They were also really wise and clever, so they knew how to stop people from crossing the border and causing trouble.

So that's what Akritai means in a nutshell - brave and strong warriors who protect the border around the Greek Empire.
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