ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aku people

Aku people are a group of humans who come from a place called Aku. They have a special culture and language that is unique to them. Imagine going to a different country where people speak a different language and have different traditions from yours - that's what it's like for someone who visits Aku and meets the Aku people.

The Aku people have a rich history and have been around for a very long time. Their ancestors lived in Aku and they passed down their customs and traditions to the next generations. Some Aku people have moved to other parts of the world, but they still hold on to their culture and language.

One thing that is important to the Aku people is community. They believe in working together, sharing what they have, and taking care of each other. They also value education and many Aku people have become successful in fields like medicine, law, and business.

In summary, Aku people are a group of humans with a rich culture and history that have come from a place called Aku. They have their own language and traditions, value community and education, and have spread out to different parts of the world while still holding on to their identity.