ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Al Yamamah

Al Yamamah is the name of a big business deal that happened between the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.

Basically, Saudi Arabia needed help building up their military and defense systems. The United Kingdom, on the other hand, wanted to sell some of their weapons and military technology. So, they made a deal.

The deal was called Al Yamamah. In exchange for the weapons and technology, Saudi Arabia would give the United Kingdom a lot of oil. That's why it was a big deal.

But, the problem was that the deal was surrounded by a lot of controversy. Some people thought that the deal was shady and that both countries were doing something wrong. That's because the deal was very secretive and no one really knew all the details.

Even today, people still talk about Al Yamamah and debate whether it was a good or bad thing.