ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Al-Ashtar Brigades

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people don't agree with each other and they might even fight about it? Well, there is a group called the al-Ashtar Brigades, and they are one of those groups who fight because they don't agree with the government in their country, which is called Bahrain.

Now, the al-Ashtar Brigades believe that the government is treating some people unfairly, and they want to change that. They use different tactics like protests, vandalizing buildings, and even violence to try to make their point and get the government to listen to them.

But the thing is, some people think that what they are doing is wrong and dangerous. So, some countries and organizations have decided to call them a terrorist group.

Being a terrorist group means that they are considered bad people who do bad things to hurt others, and some people think they should be stopped and punished for what they do.

So, in summary, the al-Ashtar Brigades are a group of people who fight the government in Bahrain because they disagree with how they are treating some people, but some people think they are bad and dangerous because of the things they do.