ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ala (demon)

Okay kiddo, so you know how in some stories and movies, there are creatures called demons who are really scary and do bad things? Well, ala is kind of like one of those demons, but it comes from a specific culture called Slavic culture.

In Slavic culture, ala is a type of creature that lives in the forests and is known for being very powerful and dangerous. Some people believe that ala can even control the weather and cause storms!

But here's the thing, not everyone in Slavic culture believes in ala or thinks of it as a scary demon. In some parts of the culture, ala is seen as more of a spiritual being that can help protect the forests and keep them healthy.

So basically, ala is a type of creature that some people believe in and some people don't. It can be scary or helpful, depending on who you ask!