ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alan Herries Wilson

Alan Herries Wilson is a person, just like you and me! He's a special kind of person, though. He was born a long time ago, in 1914! That's almost 100 years ago!

Alan was a very smart man. He studied lots of things in school and became a doctor. Doctors help people when they are sick or hurt. Alan wanted to help people even more than just being a doctor, though.

He wanted to help people in Africa. Africa is a big place with lots of countries and different cultures. Alan went to a country called Uganda to help people there. He worked with a group of people to make sure people in Uganda had clean water to drink and good food to eat.

Not everyone in Uganda was happy about Alan being there, though. Some people were fighting with each other in Uganda, and they didn't want anyone from outside to come and help. But Alan didn't give up! He kept working and helped lots of people in Uganda.

He stayed in Uganda for a long time, and even met the leader of the country, a man named Idi Amin. Alan did lots of good work in Uganda, and helped many people have better lives. Even though he died in 1995, people still remember him as a hero!