ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Albania–Bulgaria relations

Albania and Bulgaria are two countries that are next to each other in Europe. They are like two neighbors who live close to each other. Sometimes neighbors get along really well and sometimes they don't.

Right now, Albania and Bulgaria are getting along pretty well! They have been friends for a long time. They help each other out when they need it and they work together on things like making their countries better.

Sometimes neighbors might have disagreements or they might not get along. But Albania and Bulgaria have been able to talk about any problems they might have and find ways to work things out. It's like when you have a disagreement with your friend, and you talk to them and find a way to make things better!

Overall, Albania and Bulgaria are like two friendly neighbors who have each other's backs. They might have some differences, just like any two neighbors might, but they know the importance of getting along and working together.