ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alberg Odyssey 30

An Alberg Odyssey 30 is a type of boat that people use for sailing on the water. It's like a big, floating house that you can travel in. The Odyssey 30 is named after the person who designed it, his last name is Alberg.

This boat has a special shape called a "hull" which is what makes it float on the water. It also has a tall pole called a "mast" which holds up a big piece of fabric called a "sail." The sail catches the wind and helps move the boat forward.

Inside the boat, there are different sections called "rooms." There is a place to sleep, a place to cook, and even a small bathroom called a "head." It's like a tiny house but on the water!

People who like to sail often use the Odyssey 30 because it's a good size for a small group of people to travel in comfort. It's also designed to be strong and safe on the water, so people can use it for longer trips if they want to.