ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Albigensian Crusade

The Albigensian Crusade was a war that happened a long time ago, in the Middle Ages, between 1209 and 1229. It was a war that happened because some people, called the Cathars (KAY-thars), believed in a different way of practicing religion than the rulers of the time.

The rulers, called the Catholic Church, didn't like that the Cathars had different beliefs. So they asked a man named Pope Innocent III to help them get rid of the Cathars. Innocent III decided he would lead a war against the Cathars to try and make them follow the same religious practices as the Catholic Church.

The war was fought in a place called southern France. The Catholic soldiers, called crusaders, went to southern France to try and conquer the area where the Cathars lived. They attacked many towns and killed a lot of people, including innocent villagers who were not even Cathars.

The Albigensian Crusade was a very long and brutal war, and it lasted for about 20 years. In the end, the Catholic Church was successful in defeating the Cathars, but it was a very tragic time in history. The war caused a lot of death and destruction, and it was a reminder of how different beliefs and ideas can sometimes lead to conflicts and violence.