ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Album (Ancient Rome)

Okay kiddo, so you know how we sometimes take pictures and put them in an album to remember the fun things we did? Well, a long time ago in a place called Ancient Rome, they didn't have cameras like we do now. Instead, they had something called an album too, but it was a little bit different.

In Ancient Rome, an album was like a big book that people used to keep important or special things in. It could have been a book made of paper or even animal skins that they wrote on. The things they put in their album were things like letters, speeches, and important documents.

But wait, there's more! The word "album" comes from the Latin word "albus," which means white. So sometimes, these special books had white pages instead of the kind we use today.

Just like how we take care of our photo albums, people in Ancient Rome took care of their albums too. They would keep them safe in their homes or even in special buildings called archives where important papers were kept.

So that's what an album was in Ancient Rome, just like our photo albums but with important papers instead of pictures. Cool, huh?