ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alcohol and cancer

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you about alcohol and cancer. Alcohol is a kind of drink that some grown-up people like to have. It can make them feel happy and relaxed, but if they have too much of it, it can be harmful to their body.

Now, cancer is a disease that happens when our body's cells start to grow in a way they are not supposed to. They can grow into a lump or a mass called a tumor or spread to other parts of our body.

When people drink alcohol, it can affect the inside of their body, especially their liver, which is an important organ that helps to filter out toxins. If they have too much alcohol, it can damage their liver, and make it hard for their liver to work properly.

But that's not all, kiddo. Drinking too much alcohol can also increase a grown-up's chances of getting cancer in different parts of their body, such as the mouth, throat, breast, liver, and colon. It's not just the amount of alcohol that they drink, but how often they drink it too.

This is because alcohol is a carcinogen, which means it can cause changes in our body's cells that make them more likely to turn into cancer cells.

So, it's important for grown-ups to be careful when they drink alcohol and not have too much of it. Drinking alcohol in moderation is okay, but if they drink too much of it all the time, it can be very bad for their health and put them at risk for cancer.

Remember kiddo, it's always important to take care of our bodies and make healthy choices for ourselves.