ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Algebraic Combinatorics (journal)

Algebraic combinatorics is a big word that has to do with playing with letters and numbers at the same time!

Let's say you have some letters: A, B, C. You can use these letters to create different words like ABC, BCA, or CAB.

Now, let's say you also have some rules about how you can use those letters, like you can only use them once, or you have to use them in a certain order. This is where the "combinatorics" part comes in. You're finding different combinations of those letters based on those rules.

But, what if we also want to use numbers? Maybe we want to figure out how many different ways we can order the letters and numbers together. This is where the "algebraic" part comes in. We use equations and formulas to help us figure out the answer.

So, algebraic combinatorics is all about using algebra and combinatorics together to solve problems with letters and numbers. The journal is a special book where people write about the cool things they've discovered or new ways to use algebraic combinatorics.