ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aliénor de Poitiers

Aliénor de Poitiers was a lady who lived a long, long time ago. She was born in France way back in the 5th century. She was very important because she was married to the noble King Clovis, who was also very powerful. Aliénor was a very smart lady who helped her husband make important decisions and helped him rule his kingdom.

King Clovis and Aliénor always worked together and they made France a better place. They helped the poor people, built schools, and made sure everyone was happy in their kingdom.

Aliénor was also very good at building bridges between people who didn't like each other. She was like a peacemaker and made sure everyone got along. This was a very important job because it helped prevent wars and conflicts.

Aliénor was known as a very kind and caring lady who was loved by many people. She helped her husband become a great king and made France a better place for everyone to live.