ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

All-Slavic Anti-Fascist Committee

The all-Slavic anti-fascist committee was a group of people who worked together to fight against a very bad idea called fascism. You know how we learn about being kind and not hurting our friends in school? Well, fascism is the opposite of that. It's when some people believe they are better than others just because of things like where they come from, their skin color or what religion they practice. This is a very hurtful idea and causes a lot of pain for many people.

The all-Slavic anti-fascist committee was made up of people from different places in Europe, all of whom came from a group of countries called Slavic countries. They wanted to work together to stop the spread of fascism and help people who were being hurt by it. Kind of like how when we see someone who is hurt, we want to help them feel better, the committee wanted to help people who were being hurt by fascist ideas.

The committee met together to talk about how they could help people and make a plan to stop fascism. They worked to spread the idea that everyone is equal and should be treated fairly, no matter what they believe or where they come from. They also helped fight against fascism by supporting people who were standing up against it, and by sharing information to educate others about the harm that fascist ideas can cause.

In the end, the all-Slavic anti-fascist committee worked really hard to help people and stand up for what was right. They showed that working together and treating each other with kindness is really important, and that standing up against bad ideas like fascism is something that we should all do.