ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alliance Royale

Alliance Royale is a group of people who like to work together and help each other. Just like you have friends at school who help you with your homework and play with you during recess, people in Alliance Royale are like friends who help each other in different ways.

But the members of Alliance Royale are not just regular people, they are interested in a special topic called politics. Politics is like the rules that people make for themselves to live together in a community or a country. Alliance Royale is a group of people who have similar ideas about how politics should work in their country.

They want their country to be ruled by a king or a queen, just like in fairy tales. They think that having a king or queen is better than having a president or a prime minister because a monarch is someone who was born to be a king or a queen and they have been trained to lead their people from birth. They believe that having a strong leader will help their country be more prosperous and successful.

Alliance Royale members also believe in democracy, which means that every citizen of their country should have a say in how their country is run. They want to make sure that the king or queen listens to the people and makes decisions that will benefit everyone, not just themselves.

In summary, Alliance Royale is a group of people who believe in having a monarch as the leader of their country and want to work towards having a strong and prosperous nation where everyone's voice is heard.