ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Allied plans for German industry after World War II

After World War II, the countries that fought against Germany, known as the Allies, had a plan for what to do with German industry. They wanted to make sure that Germany couldn't start another war in the future.

The Allies decided to dismantle German industries that were related to war. This means they wanted to take them apart and make them smaller so they couldn't make weapons or military equipment. They also didn't want Germany to have a very strong economy, because they thought that could lead to them becoming powerful again and starting another war.

But the Allies also didn't want Germany to become completely poor, because that wouldn't be good for the people who lived there. So they decided to leave some industries intact that weren't related to war, like factories that made cars or clothes.

The Allies also made Germany pay for the damage it caused during the war. They took money from Germany to help rebuild the countries that were damaged or destroyed by the war.

Overall, the Allies wanted to make sure that Germany wouldn't be able to start another war or become too powerful again, but they also didn't want to completely ruin the country's economy or leave the people there without jobs.