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Alphanumeric brand names

An alphanumeric name is a fancy way of saying a name that uses both letters and numbers. For example, “7-Eleven” or “K9 Advantix” are examples of alphanumeric brand names.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why would a company use a name with both letters and numbers?” Well, there are a few reasons:

First, alphanumeric names can be memorable. People often remember names that are unique or different from what they’re used to. In other words, names that stand out. An alphanumeric name can certainly do that!

Second, alphanumeric names can convey something about the brand. For example, the “K9” in “K9 Advantix” suggests that the product is for dogs, and the “7” in “7-Eleven” suggests that the store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Finally, alphanumeric names can be trademarked more easily than other names. In the world of business, it’s important to protect your brand name so that nobody else can use it. By using a name with both letters and numbers, it’s more likely that your name will be unique and therefore easier to trademark.

So there you have it! Alphanumeric brand names are names that use both letters and numbers, and they can be memorable, convey something about the brand, and be easy to trademark.