ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alternative successions to the English and British Crown

Okay, so you know how when you play a game with your friends and one person wins, they get to be the leader or the boss of the game? Well, it’s kind of like that when it comes to being the leader of a country like England or Britain. When the person who is the leader, called the monarch, can’t do the job anymore (like if they get sick or die), someone else needs to take over and become the new leader or monarch.

Usually, the next person in line to be the new monarch is their own child, and then their child’s child and so on. This is called a hereditary succession. However, sometimes there isn’t a child to take over or the child is too young to take on the job, so they need to find someone else.

One alternative succession is called a regent. This is when someone is chosen to take over and be temporary leader until the child is old enough to take on the job. It’s kind of like when a babysitter comes over to take care of you while your parents go out.

Another alternative succession is called an election. This is when people choose who they want to be the new leader or monarch. It’s kind of like when you and your friends vote on what game to play next.

Overall, there are many different ways to choose a new leader or monarch when the old one can’t do the job anymore. It just depends on what works best for each situation.