ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alvin Goldman

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Alvin Goldman. He is a very smart man, kind of like a professor at a big school, and he likes to think a lot about how we know things. Like, how do we know that the sky is blue or that two plus two equals four?

Alvin thinks that we know things in different ways. Sometimes we learn things by seeing them with our own eyes, or hearing about them from someone we trust. Other times, we might look something up in a book or on the computer, or use a calculator to figure out a math problem.

Alvin also thinks that we can know things without directly experiencing them ourselves. For example, if someone tells us that the earth is round, we might believe them even if we've never seen it from space. Or if we read about something in a science book, we might trust that it's true because scientists have done experiments to prove it.

Overall, Alvin Goldman is really interested in how our brains process information and help us understand the world around us. He likes to explore different theories and ideas about knowledge, and he's made a lot of important contributions to the field of philosophy.