Okay kiddo, so there's this word called "ama-gi" that comes from a really old language called Sumerian. Ama-gi is like a magic word that means "freedom" or "release".
Back in ancient Sumeria, people used to write things down on clay tablets instead of paper like we have today. They would write about things like laws and rules that they had to follow.
Ama-gi was used in one of these ancient laws called the "code of Hammurabi". This law was made by a powerful king who wanted to make sure everyone in his kingdom behaved well and didn't do anything harmful.
But the thing is, some people didn't think the laws were fair. They felt like they were being punished unfairly or that they were trapped by the rules.
That's where ama-gi comes in. If somebody felt like they were stuck by the laws, they could appeal to the king and say "ama-gi". This was like a special password that told the king they wanted to be freed from the laws.
So the king would listen to their complaint and decide if they deserved to be released from their punishment. If he agreed, he would "grant ama-gi" and the person would be free.
So basically, ama-gi was a word that gave people hope and a way to fight back against unfair rules. It was a way to say "I want to be free" and get help from the most powerful person in the kingdom.